Saturday, November 6, 2010

Performance Art

Vienna Aktionists
I found these type of art quite disturbing. It was very different then anything i have seen before. The people involved were definitely trying to make a statement, they are very extreme and like to push boundaries.

Sankai Juku
My favorite out of all the performances we viewed during class. I really enjoyed that the performance dealt with emotion and body movements instead of costume and action. The men involved were very simplistic with their shaved heads, limited wardrobe and white painted bodies.

i found it interesting that Orlan was able to make plastic surgery into an art form. This act is usually something that people who receive it like to keep secretive, but Orlan wanted to broadcast ever surgery she had. I enjoyed her photography and her self-hybridations  more then her plastic surgery broadcasting.

Bauhaus & Fluxus

Bauhaus is a design school located in Germany in 1919. The school was very modern for its time and didn't follow traditional standards. It is most famous for its school of architecture. It was later shutdown in 1933 by the Nazi regime.

Fluxus was started in New York in 1960. The movement was influenced by Bauhaus, Dada and Zen movements. Like Bauhuas this movement was considered advanced for its time and broke away from tradition. They believed that any medium could be used to create art.